Saturday, April 25, 2009

grrrrrrrr grrrrrrr

I took a little walk on a trail at Highlands Cemetery Friday. Beautiful cemetery. Yes, I said beautiful. Big monuments, budding trees, and the flowers were starting to bloom. The trail was down in a valley and away from the cemetery.
I wasn't on the trail for 50 yards when I saw two women and three dogs coming up the trail. Of course the dogs weren't on leashes. This one huge black lab starts bounding towards me. He was wet from being in the creek. It got to about three feet and I excepted him to jump me, but I yelled and he kept his distance and went back to his owner. Another black lab came up over the hill and started bellowing like he was on a hunt. He started running towards me and his owner was screaming for him to come back.
aaaaa. He's not listenin'
The dog gets within ten feet from me, ears are down, barking and growling.
“He won't bite.”
Yeah, right.
I pick up a stick and make myself as big as I can. The I yell at the top of my lungs and he backs off a little. The girl said he was threatened because I picked up a stick. I felt threatened 'cause there's a growling dog right in front of me.
She's trying to put a leash on him (why is the smaller the woman the bigger the dog-that-you-can't-control?) still saying he doesn't bite, he doesn't bite. I tell her, in my outdoor voice, you're suppose to keep your dogs on a leash. She get frustrated and says I should calm down.
I love dogs. I swear I do. I love them so much it's the reason I don't have one. I love dogs I just hate their owners.
And dogs in the city, please.
“Let's keep him tied up in the yard all day and then take him for a 30 minute walk in the evening. I can't wait to have kids.” Poor animals.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I never knew there was a difference between your "outdoor" voice and your "indoor" voice. I just always thought there was one "Charles" voice............LOUD!!!!



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