Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Derby Classic

Saturday night was a typical TV production. A lot of assumptions. I was the producer and we were going live from 7-10. We gave an audio & video feed to the satellite truck and about 30 minutes before air they asked for bars and tone just to check. We didn't hear from them again so we assumed. . .

Let me pause here to repeat a cliché' that I heard many a year ago. It's comes back to bite me a every-once-in-a-while, but in case you don't know the saying it may serve you well.
“Never assume. It will just make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'.”
See how that worked? Assume contains the words ass u & me?
Now back to the Derby Classic one minute before airtime.

. . . we assumed (Ouch! What just bit me?) that they had audio. No. They didn't. That and some miscommunication in our truck about the wrong open, going straight to a break and not to the announcers and what we were coming back with from break. It was a fun eight minutes. Of course all the outlets we were feeding called to let us know. “Hey, there's no audio.” I ran the the sat-truck another cable and fixed it in a few minutes.
In TV there's a saying, If the viewer doesn't know there's a problem, there's no problem. NO AUDIO! PROBLEM!
The end of the show was to go until 10 no matter how early the game finished. When the game finished at 9:20 we took a couple of breaks, but channel 3 never rejoined us. They went to network show already in progress. So, now what? The executive producer said we could dump all the other outlets early. So I made some calls, but them we keep getting interviews with players. So I assume (Ouch!) we are going to 10 anyway. Around 9:54 our announcers say goodnight.
Okay, whatever. Run the close graphic and let's go home.
Wazoosports is a fun production crew to work with plus they let me cuss and get it out of my system. And the rest of the crew did a really great job. I'm not saying that to kiss ass, because I don't have too.

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