You can never go home again. THANK GOD!!!!!!!
Went to my old middle school for career day. No, I didn't go as unemployed. I had a DVD with some of my work and a large camera hooked up to a monitor. I'm stilled amazed how people act when they see themselves on camera. It's like they've never seen technology, although I have a friend that hadn't heard of twitter until recently. The 6th graders were inquisitive. The 7th and 8th graders just stuck to the questions that were required by their teachers. Some of the questions were fun. “How many hours do you work? How much do you make?” You mean, right now?
I swear I don't remember much about middle school, but I don't remember my friends having such squeaky voices.
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Hey! That's me in your video! Right? Didn't know I was a star... Wayne